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 500K YouTube Subscriber milestone


As a way of marking the occasion of reaching 500K subscribers on our YouTube channel, Minds in Unison has donated $500 to two charities ($250 to each). The donated money will help people living in Africa to access fresh, clean water, and also help our lovely animal friends by providing veterinary care and re-homing services. Click here for the 500K Charity Report.

I'd like to say a very big thank you to everyone who has subscribed, written a comment, or ‘liked’ a video… or even just watched a video via the Minds in Unison YouTube channel. I appreciate you all very much and I am eternally grateful. If any of you have a YouTube channel of your own and are looking for another subscriber, please do let me know… I'd love to return the favour :)

If you have any ideas for new recordings you’d like me to make, or for new blog topics - or if you have any other comments or suggestions, I'd love to hear them. The link below will take you to the ‘Suggestions’ page on this website. Every suggestion will be taken seriously and will be acknowledged - but please be aware that unfortunately, I cannot guarantee I’ll be able to act on every one of them.

And again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you :)
